Supreme Nursing

Delivering Excellence

Supreme Nursing was established to engage a supreme team of specialist nurses for their individual professional skills, experience and attitude to service specialist nursing fields in the healthcare industry

We work closely with our selected clients to fully understand their specific needs, environment and cultural requirements for each assignment to ensure optimal outcomes. We proudly service both the private and public sectors.

Why join us ?

With a limited intake of nurses annually, we can genuinely focus on an exclusive team of nurses, ensuring they are accurately matched both personally and professionally to each assignment. This ensures a positive experience each time for both the client and the nurse.
We make a commitment to each nurse that joins our team to provide them with continual work and upskilling opportunities, by providing both online and practical training. We also hold an annual Nurses Conference for our nurses and their families each year to get away and learn – an exercise for development, bonding and overall appreciation for their selfless commitment to others.